
Image formed by combining 2 stacks acquired with two different webcams: SPC900NC and Lifecam Cinema. Both stacks are from the best 700 frames out of a 900-frame video.

The Lifecam provides better spatial resolution while the SPC900NC better color resolution.

Stacks were processed in registax 6 and latter combined in Photoshop.

Optical train: AP130GT + 2x AP barlow + 12.5mm ortho eyepiece + IR/UV cutoff filter.
Date: 2011-05-14


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  • jorge ortiz on 2014-Aug-07 08:33:48 jorge ortiz said

    impresionante tacho!! justamente anoche estuve viendo un programa sobre saturno y sus lunas, fijate si enfocas Titan y encontras vida en los rios de methane!