This image combines the RGB data described bellow, with the H-alpha data acquired
here. The H-alpha data was mixed with the (synthetic) L and R channels, in 33/67 proportions.
For a high resolution version click
Optical train: AP167FLZ + flattener
Mount: Losmandy G11
Guiding: QHY5L-II mono + 230mm guidescope
Camera: Canon 6D (modded and peltier cooled, sensor @1°C)
Frames: 52 lights 3 min. ea. @iso1600, calibrated with 200 bias, 32 darks and 38 flats.
Processing: PI 1.8 + Canon DPP
Date: 2017-04-29
Place: San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Seeing & transparency: good/very good (rural skies)