M16 in SHO from New Observatory - APOD 2019-08-10

This is the first image acquisition from my newly built roll-off observatory, in my backyard. Still working on a more complete automation, but already fully enjoying its easy of use... and the better pier mechanics!

For a high resolution version click here.

Featured in APOD on August 10, 2019.

Optical train: AP167FLZ + flattener
Mount: AP1100 CP4
Guiding: QHY5II-L, 60/230 guidescope.
Camera: Apogee Alta U8300 (-35°C)
Filters: Astrodon 2nd Gen 3nm H-alpha,OIII, SII
Frames: 29x10-min H-alpha, 27x10-min OIII, 35x10-min SII, binned 1x1
Processing: PI 1.8 + Canon DPP
Date: 2019-08-03, 04 and 05
Place: General Pacheco, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Seeing & transparency: from very good to average/good (suburban skies)


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  • Zaira Arroyo on 2019-Sep-12 16:07:14 Zaira Arroyo said

    La imagen es un deleite. Muchas felicidades!!!
  • LR Sibbald on 2019-Oct-09 11:27:50 LR Sibbald said

    This is the best Eagle I have ever seen.. Your work is incredible. I have bee doing astrophotography for only a couple of years - I hope one day to be able to approach what you do.

    Thank You.

    Calgary Alberta Canada