Sculptor Galaxy (NGC 253)

Optical train: AP130 EDF GT + AP barlow at 2x
Mount: Losmandy G11
Guiding: B&L 80/800 SCT guidescope + SPC900NC + PHD
Camera: Canon 1000D (modded)
Frames: 18 lights 4 minutes each. iso1600, 200 bias, 30 darks and 30 flat frames.
Processing: DSS + PI LE + Photoshop + Canon DPP
Date: 2011-10-03
Place: General Pacheco, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Seeing & transparency: average

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  • ian matterson on 2011-Oct-04 17:45:36 ian matterson said

    Hi Ignacio,
    GREAT IMAGE IMPRESSIVE DETAIL AT SUCH A LOW BUCKET COUNT,Is thier any particular reason you used a high 200 bias frames?
    once agin great image one for the album for sure..
    Ian M.
  • Ignacio Diaz Bobillo on 2011-Oct-04 18:52:42 Ignacio Diaz Bobillo said

    Thanks Ian!
    Given the very low dynamic range of the camera operating at iso1600, I typically collect many shorter exposures so as to not saturate any part of the image. So I like to compensate for read noise the best I can, and keep a master bias built with 200 frames for that purpose. In this particular case there aren't that many subs, but since I have the master bias already, I use it.
    Cheers, Ignacio